The Staff Council will serve as a dynamic and inclusive Advisory Board to the Chancellor and provide the Rutgers University-Newark (hereinafter referred to as RU-N) staff a voice within RU-N and also as a partner within the Newark community as contributor to create, enhance and improve staff community engagement efforts, professional development needs, and also staff recognition. The Staff Council’s primary responsibilities are Communication, Collaboration, Advising, Recognition, and Professional Development for all RU-N staff. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to the ability:
- To listen to, pursue, and respond to the ideas and opinions of staff employees;
- To convey these ideas and opinions to the University administration;
- To collaborate with the RU-N Chancellor to engage in a regular exchange on issues that affect staff employees;
- To keep employees informed about the movement forward on strategic plan initiatives and Staff Council items.
The Staff Council will be inclusive to all staff, both union and non-union and focus on the needs and concerns of RU-N staff. This elected group of officials will represent and provide a concrete and potentially powerful vehicle for empowering staff and ensuring that their views are known by university leadership and the university community at large. The Staff Council Elected Board will develop an annual one-day Staff Retreat & Conference that would allow staff from various departments to come together, learn from each other, collaborate, and network with one another. It could become an important instrument for breaking down silos between units and enhancing staff visibility and sense of voice at RU-N.
RU-N Class 1 employees are eligible to run for and serve as RU-N Staff Council representatives, subject to RU-N Human Resources verification, and notification of and authorization from their respective supervisors and/or deans.
Nomination period
The two-week nomination period shall be announced by April 15. Staff may submit a nomination or self-nomination by submitting a nomination form during the nomination period.
Nominations process
Nominees will be contacted by the RU-N Staff Council Election Committee to confirm their willingness to serve and to request additional information for the election. Nominees that accept will be asked to provide a statement of 500 characters or less explaining why the nominee should be selected for RU-N Staff Council, and a head shot. Nominees will be informed of the time commitment and affirm this is voluntary position with no additional compensation. RU-N Human Resources will verify eligibility.
Election period
The election period is for one week from Wednesday at 3 p.m. to the following Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Voting shall be by online ballot.
Please refer to the RU-N Staff Council Bylaws for eligibility details.
Questions? Email the RU-N Staff Council Election Committee at runsc.elections@newark.rutgers.edu.
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