This year’s RU-N Staff Council FlowerGram has gone virtual!
In previous years, for each donated item, RU-N Staff Council sent a carnation and a personalized note to a RU-N campus staff member of your choice to show them your appreciation. This project has been so successful in the past that we are providing a virtual option this year with as much flexibility as possible.
Please complete the form below by February 15, 2021 to send an emailed note of appreciation in acknowledgement of any donations you make to either pantryRUN or a local food pantry. You may submit a form for each physical item or for every $5 donated (e.g. $10 donation would be two FlowerGrams).
pantryRUN is located in Paul Robeson Campus Center, room 226 and currently has limited hours but you can donate easily and safely online 24/7/365 at:
Please note RU-N Staff Council in the matching gift sectionRU-N Staff Council will be matching any of your pantryRUN donations up to $300 total.
Thank you for your support – we appreciate you!
RU-N Staff Council FlowerGram 2021!